Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oh Lord, the JOYS I have been blessed with!

I can't remember the last time I updated this wonderful world of blogging!!
Quick Review!
July 28, 2011 @ 7:40 pm the most precious gift GOD has ever blessed me with arrived! 
Month 1: AMAZING! She is the best sleeper!
Month 2: My BG continues to bring so much joy to our lives.
Month 3: The things she does continues to impress us!
Month 4:  Those first 3 months were complete blur!   My mind becomes a little clearer around month 4.  Piper began sitting up.  She would do the tripod sit.  It was so cute!  I went back to work and that was very hard but she did amazing at Mrs. Debbie's house!
Month 5: My sweet baby just continued to get more and more awesome!  She started eating baby food and loved it!
Month 6:  She is starting to crawl!!  Lord help this crazy house!  She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth.  to move from place to place she just drags herself and scoots.  It takes her a while but she gets where shes going.  This crazy girl is also pulling up and standing while holding on things.  She can also stand alone for a few seconds.  I have a feeling she will be walking very soon. Her daddy was walking by 9 months and I'm pretty sure I was walking early. (since I'm awesome)  She also loves her daddy so much she decided to say "DaDa".  She loves her daddy so much it melts my heart! I enjoy every moment with the 2 loves of my life.  I thank God every day for the 2 most beautiful and amazing things in my life, my husband and our baby girl! 

 Piper at 3 months!
 Piper at 5 1/2 months!
I am making a promise to try and update this wonderful piece of my life every month! 

Shout out to my Peeps! I'm updating my blog!

Shout out to Ziggy!!  I love you and hope your hanging in there!  When things slow down Piper and I are heading your way! :)

Now check out my update on my sweet Baby Girl!